Business Automation

Streamline Your Operations with Advanced Technologies

In today's fast-paced business world, automation is essential for businesses to thrive. Tecnics offers cutting-edge Business Automation solutions tailored to the specific needs of modern enterprises.

eKaarya: eOffice Management Solution For Govt and Public Sector Cos, gives you a comprehensive set of tools designed to streamline all aspects of office management, from correspondence management to meetings.

BeejakPay: A solution that can Digitize, Automate and Integrate your day-to-day invoicing and accounts payable process leveraging AI-ML that will digitally transform your manual efforts and errors into a seamless automated workflow.

Our solutions leverage cutting-edge technologies like Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Workflow Automation, Integration Services, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), Chatbots and Virtual Assistants, Business Process Management (BPM), and IoT and Automation to help you streamline operations, boost productivity, and improve customer service.

  • Robotic Process Automation (RPA): RPA bots can automate repetitive, rule-based tasks across your organization, freeing up your employees to focus on more strategic work. We use leading RPA platforms like UiPath, Automation Anywhere, Blue Prism, and Boomi to implement RPA solutions that optimize workflows and increase operational efficiency.
  • Workflow Automation: Our Workflow Automation solutions seamlessly orchestrate complex business processes, reducing manual intervention and accelerating task completion. We use platforms like Microsoft Power Automate, Nintex, IBM BPM, and HCL Volt MX to ensure tasks flow smoothly from one stage to the next.
  • Integration Services: Our Integration Services ensure your systems communicate seamlessly, creating a unified digital ecosystem. We employ technologies like MuleSoft, Dell Boomi, IBM Integration Bus, Apache Kafka, and HCL Volt MX to integrate diverse applications, databases, and platforms.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML): AI and ML can help you make better decisions, faster. Our AI and ML solutions unlock the potential of data-driven decision-making by enabling intelligent automation, predictive analytics, and cognitive capabilities. We utilize frameworks such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, sci-kit-learn, and IBM Watson to implement these solutions.
  • Chatbots and Virtual Assistants: Chatbots and Virtual Assistants can enhance customer engagement and support by providing 24/7 assistance and answering customer questions quickly and accurately. We implement solutions using platforms like Dialogflow, Microsoft Bot Framework, and IBM Watson, powered by Natural Language Processing (NLP) and machine learning algorithms.
  • Business Process Management (BPM): Our BPM solutions help you optimize and streamline your end-to-end business processes. We use platforms like Appian, Pega, Bizagi, and IBM BPM to provide tools for process modeling, automation, and continuous improvement.
  • IoT and Automation: Our IoT solutions integrate IoT devices and sensors with automation platforms, enabling real-time data collection and automated responses for enhanced operational efficiency. We embrace the future of automation with our IoT solutions.

At Tecnics, we are committed to helping you achieve your business goals through innovative automation solutions. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you streamline operations, boost productivity, and improve customer service.